3rd Trimester

MIL question

Hi everyone! My sweet MIL (I really do like her a lot) came over to see our nursery yesterday and mentioned that she had not gotten anything yet for the baby and really would like to get us something. I said, "whatever you would like to get us would be fine... but we really don't need anything else." (I didn't have a baby shower, but I have collected almost all the necessary items myself through the past months). DH was in the other room and shouted out to his mom "We still need the baby monitor!!!" So she said right away, "Okay I'll get that, just email me the link to the one you want and I can give you the $$$ for it... or order it for you." I sort of hesitated and said... "okay..." The reason for my hesitation is the one I really want is about $200! I feel really bad having her get this for us. I think it is way too much $$ to ask my MIL. I like her a lot, but I would not say we are "close." She is very wealthy, yet very, very, frugal and I think she is going to just die when she sees the price, and judge me about how much $$ I am spending on a monitor.  She usually only shops at garage sales, goodwill and discount stores. (I have seen some discrete eye-rolling from her in the past when I have spent more money than she would have on a certain household item, dining / travel experience, so I my intuition tells me this is not a good idea.) So my question is this:

A. Do you think I should email her instead some links to a few less expensive items that were on my "nice to have" list? And maybe just make up a white lie that my mom already got the monitor for us as a surprise... That is what I think I want to do.

B. Or do you think I should just ahead and send her the link to the expensive monitor? 

A. Or B. or can you think of a better option?

Thanks for your advice ladies! :) 

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