2nd Trimester

If ONE more person... (RANT)

Okay, I don't know what it is about pregnant women, but what is it in society that people think they can tell pregnant women whatever they want?!

From people telling me why I want a boy or why I want a girl, why I should go natural (because the person that told me this said she has a closer relationship to her children because of it...LONG STORY), or why I should go with an epi, why I should do day care or why I should do in home care, I should find out the gender or why I shouldn't find out the gender blah blah blah.  Even telling me about watching what I say now so I don't say it in front of the baby (this is coming from my 10 year old stepson).  In response to that in my mind I said "you're telling me to watch my mouth, what about the smut that you learn from your mother.  How about instead of telling me how to be a mom, you tell that to your own mother.  She's the one that cares more about her newest boyfriend than her own children".  But obviously I didn't.  It seems like EVERYONE has something to tell you when you're are pregnant.  Some type of advice that they think they have from their own experiences.  And this can be from people I don't even know.  I'm just so annoyed, I want to be like "I will do my delivery how I want to do it and raise my child how I want to do it, thank you." 

I think SO many things are just such a personal choice between my fiance and I that it really isn't anyone else's business.  Obviously if we are unsure or debating between something I will reach out to others so that I can get their perspective or experience.  And my perspective so far is that I wanted to find out what gender we are having, we are having a boy and we are thrilled because so far all things look healthy on the ultrasound, I'm getting an epidural, and going with in-home day care.  So there.   (End of Rant)

Side note, it probably is even worse because since I was being treated for depression with Wellbutrin, and without it I'm more off balanced in my moods, especially with anger and my mind is constantly racing. 

Okay seriously I am done now.  I can't be the only one that gets annoyed with the constant "advice" we are getting from everyone it seems?!

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