2nd Trimester

Stockpiling Diapers

I have a question for those who've already had kids. Did you stockpile diapers? If so, about how many of the early sizes did you need? When does the growth "slow down"?

I had thought about doing this since we are using disposables, but some of the family has started doing it for me. (They are into extreme couponing). They've gotten some good deals, but I think so far, they've got me about 3 packs of newborns, 3 packs of 1s, and 2 packs of 2s. 

SIL told me her kids were out of NB about the time they came home from the hospital.  So if I were going to start stockpiling myself, I was planning on only buying one pack of NB. I'm sure I'll be receiving at least a couple more packs of diapers at the shower and I'm afraid I'm going to have way too many newborn sizes and no receipts to return them with. I know there's always CL, but what do you think?

How many packs of each size would you recommend if you stockpile? 

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