2nd Trimester

Really animals??

Ok so DH got me some Nesquik at the store to up my calcium uptake, because white milk... IDK, I just can't bring myself to drink it, never could, it smells off even when it has like two weeks before the expiration date, so I only do chocolate milk. Well we went out to lunch yesterday, with the Nesquik WAY back at the BACK of the kitchen counter. My beagle ninjaed her way to the Nesquik and ate the whole thing.... she is a white dog, so we came home to a chocolate dog, who got a bath, but that is ok, since she now has "fresh stink" for seeing the inlaws and their beagles. Well as pay back this morning she decided she did not smell nice enough, and as a result ate my VS Pure Seduction body mist off my dresser. I said I wanted her to stink pretty, not use my perfume!! Luckily the bottle was still mostly salvageable so we just got some of the little travel bottles from Wal-Mart for the leftovers, but wow... some peoples animals. Doesn't she know I am supposed to BABY proof, not CHLOE proof the house?? It's supposed to be kids you have to worry about that stuff with, not the dog..
And because I said animals, since I started typing this I have had to shoo my cat 5 times because she keeps trying to mug my chocolate milk on the table beside me. I'm just glad she just tried going into the glass with her head, and didn't try what my parents cats do to drink which is stick their icky paws in it then lick their paws... that could have resulted in spilled milk and I would have cried cuz I'm really liking this chocolate milk thing.
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