3rd Trimester

MIL vent- long- duplicate from May birth club

Ok, so I am due May 5th, this will be mother in law's FIRST grandchild. Basically, when she first found out that I was pregnant, I told her, after being asked about it, that I would not be taking LO to her home because it is a health risk. Let me put it this way, she is an avid smoker (about three packs a day, and doesn't have respect for the fact that I am pregnant), and basically her job requires her only to work one weekend out of the month. SO.... you would think her being home all day, she would be able to clean, but that is not the case. I mean, she has seven dogs inside the house, two of which have mange (which is contractable to humans), she doesn't take the dogs outside, so therefore she has piles of fecies all over the house, she doesn't do dishes or anything else, so there is basically mold on everything in the kitchen. Before I got pregnant, I didn't enjoy going over there, but did, simply because it was DH's mother, but now that I am, and the date is getting closer, I HATE going over there. Am I overreacting, or doing the right thing by not going over there as much?


Also, we have recently been getting along better, not great, but better. And whenever I bring up the fact that we are due soon, or we have an U/S coming up, or even bring up the baby shower she changes the subject or leaves the room. Is it just me, or is she being a bit bitchy? Not only that, but she says she is excited, but has neglected to buy anything for LO yet. Adding to that, she got mad at me, for having a friend give us a box of newborn clothes that she didn't need anymore, because she doesn't know what to get LO for the shower now. She said since he already had enough clothes, she didn't have to get him anything, and money is usually not an issue for her, because she blows it like its cool. 

 And last but not least, the cherry on top of the cupcake, was today I was reading through some facebook posts. Well one of our friends that is pregnant and due the exact same day as me, posted about how she couldn't wait to hold her little boy and all that, and MIL commented and said "oh me either, so exciting", but when I post something, she doesn't so much as like it. I asked her the other day if she wanted to feel my belly because baby was kicking, and she said no that she had felt a baby kick before and it was no big deal, but then I see her the same day feeling on someone elses belly. So am I being paranoid, and pissed off for good reason? I feel like she doesn't care that her son and I are expecting and that her first grandbaby will be here in under ten weeks. She can't wait for other peoples bundles of joy to get here, but seems to wish our's didn't even exist. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

 And to add to the mix, the same "friend" and I had agreed to do baby showers on different days so there would be absolutely NO scheduling conflicts. Well today, I find out that this friend is having her shower on the exact same day, so I am just wondering which one MIL will go too? I think it pretty crummy if she skips ours, and I honestly will probably write her out of my life for good at that point. It is one thing to dislike me or treat me poorly, but how dare you mistreat my unborn baby! 
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