3rd Trimester

Pelvic pain

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow with my 3rd child.  I have had 2 girls before and this time its a boy!  I know I am carrying low this time and I know his head is right there in the perfect position my doctor has told me, so I have been having pelvic pain from walking or even feel it when sitting at times.  I feel it when I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom also.  My doctors appointment isnt until friday and I plan on bringing it up then but I'm just wondering if its because since hes right there am I going to be delivering early? Is something wrong? I have no idea what to think.  Soemtimes I try to ignore it because I do have a 5 and 2 year old at home and they keep me on my toes and I cant really just sit there and not do anything.  I'm always on the move.  I have been trying to relax a little more but not exactly sure what to do at this point.  I've never had this with my other pregnancies before.
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