2nd Trimester

This baby is so stubborn!

So we had our repeat scan on Sunday to try to tell us if we are having a boy or girl. Well after donuts for breakfast and cold oj, this baby was still sleeping away like crazy! Baby was a little more open not quite curled as tight as on Thursday, so we could see from a top view that baby had no visible BOY parts, but baby was still on the cord and it was hard to tell if it was for sure girl parts or just more cord in the way... So our tech said she was at about 70% chance it was a GIRL! I know we still need to be careful as this could be a boy, but we are both just over the moon about this news! We did not really care either way, but for some reason I have been thinking it was a girl from the moment I found out! Not sure why that is, or what made me feel it, but I am also 100% correct with guesses I make for other people. I am also able to tell when people are pregnant before they tell me... Not sure what it is or why, but my mom says all the women in our family are a little psychic! I guess! But for now until we are told other wise we are calling our baby "her" or her name "Olive" so we will see when I have my next scan at my next appointment! (My MW likes to so them every time we go in...)
So I guess we are for now team PINK!!!!

After 5 years of trying to get pregnant, it finally happened!
FET #1: 11/23 Transfered 2 little embryos
POAS 11/29, BFP!!! POAS 12/02 BFP!!!
12/2 9dp5dt Beta #1: 37; 12/6 13dp5dt Beta #2: 130; 12/8 15dp5dt Beta #3: 315; 12/15 22dp5dt Beta #4: 3200
12/16 - Ultrasound #1: 6w1d: 1 perfect heartbeat! EDD: 08/9/12
12/26 - Ultrasound #2: 7w4d: Perfect! HB-160
1/5 - Ultrasound #3: 9w: Amazing! Even a little jig! HR-150
3/1 - Ultrasound: 70% Girl!
3/21 - Ultrasound: 100% BOY!!!! OMG what a shock! Maison Thomas is on HIS way!
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