3rd Trimester

Frustrated and needing to vent - long

So I'm 37 weeks and went in this morning for my appt. I'm dilated 1 cm, but baby is still breech. Dr. discussed c-section probability and said we could schedule it now if I wanted. However, they can't do it even 1 day before I hit 39 weeks, and they don't want to go past 40 weeks, so that means we're looking at the week of the 19th-23rd. Only problem: she is out of town that week due to Spring Break. So it would be another doctor delivering, which I'm okay with, just not thrilled. Mostly I'm just so disappointed in having to have a c-section b/c I really wanted to experience labor and delivery. I'm a FTM, and I get the feeling my dr. isn't too big on doing VBACs for any future children we have. She did mention version, but didn't feel it was likely to work for me.

I'm just feeling lots of ups and downs right now. Grateful that he's healthy and doing well in there, and I've been blessed to have had an easy pregnancy. But I'm heartbroken about the c-section. And I would be all for the version, but I'm afraid the risk to him outweighs the possible success in turning him. Obviously I don't want to harm him. My DH is super supportive, but just doesn't really "get" what I'm feeling.

Anyone else in the same boat?

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