2nd Trimester

Dealing with jealousy

I'm due in August with our second child and we are already thinking about who will watch DD while we are in the hospital. We only need someone to watch her while I am in labor, as once the baby arrives my DH will be making trips back and forth to the hospital and will be able to care for her at that time. Ideally I would like my mother in law to watch DD as she is the person I trust the most to care for her.

Here is the problem. My mother has  EXTREME jealousy towards my mother in law and I am afraid once she finds out I have asked her to care for DD while I am in labor, she will lose it. My mother and I have a very rocky relationship and I do not trust her to watch DD for any length of time (I feel it isn't safe). I have already started thinking of how I will explain this to my mother as I know she is not going to take it well. I plan on telling her that we have asked DH's family to watch DD so that my family can be at the hospital for the birth (since I am the one in labor). I also plan on telling her that last time the nurses were frustrated with how large of a group we had in the waiting room (this part is true), and to keep it as small as possible this time I am only inviting my family. I'm hoping she will go for it and not completely go hysterical. She has a history of being very very cruel in regards to my MIL and I am so worried she will take this out on her and do/say something mean.

Any advice on how else to soften the blow to my mom? Any other suggestions on how to handle this situation? My stomach is already in knots over this and we still have months and months to go.  

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