2nd Trimester

"Wow, you've gained a lot of weight"..... ><

Anyone else have people tell them this? I KNOW I have gained more than what I was supposed to gain by this point, 20 pounds and I am 25 weeks. That being said, this also seems to run in my family. Every woman in my family has gained a lot of weight with every single one of their kids, to no fault of our own. I don't eat extremely unhealthy. Do I have a cookie if I want one? Yeah, you bet I do. But do I want one everyday? No. I don't. I weigh 178 right now. I was not nor have I ever been petite, I have always had double D breasts and I don't have a small bone structure... So I will never be 120 pounds, just saying.

But EVERYONE at work keeps making comments. I don't think they realize how hurtful it is. I have always been very self conscious about my body before I got pregnant. And I was just getting to a point where I was beginning to love the "motherly body" I had.... But now I keep having people ask me "How much weight HAVE you gained?" Or "Wow, you are getting huge, look at your face, it is so puffy!" I even got "Wow your face is so puffy your nose has gotten bigger"... or the worst yet "Wow have you told your doctor how much weight you have gained, I bet something is wrong" or even worse "Wow your hands and face are so swollen, I hope you don' t have toximia (spelling) because that could mean your baby might get fluid in his brain".... WHY DO PEOPLE SAY THESE THINGS?! :(

Anyone else having this problem....?

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