2nd Trimester

Braxton Hicks- all weekend!

This weekend I started having bh contractions.  It started out kind of on one side then turned into full on contractions.  They weren't painful but very uncomfortable, everything gets rock hard and I get sort of a pressure feeling in my pelvis that makes me want to pee lol!  I read that it's normal for bh to start now to prepare your uterus for real labor, but I ended up having them all weekend long!  Sometimes every few mins to every 20 mins all day Saturday and Sunday.  They got worse when I was doing things, (or arguing lol) but they didn't really get better when I laid down either.  So I called the doc Sunday who said they sounded like bh and to make sure I drank plenty of water (thought I did, but apparently I need to make myself drink a lot more) and if I still had them today to call and get worked in to be checked.  Well this morning I woke up and they are gone?  So my questions are for any of you who have had them, what caused me to have them all day for 2 days straight?  Could it have been something I ate or do I just need to drink more water? Drinking water all day yesterday didn't really stop them, so idk! TIA :)

Edit: So I'm starting to think I'm having a few more today, just not as strong or as many.  Should I call the doctor?

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