Single Parents

Vent/Advice Needed

I don't know how you other ladies do it. I can't seem to find strength to figure out exactly what I want to do.

DD's father (or sperm donor) claims he only wants to be a part of my child's life if I make him pay child support. Then, he wife had the nerve to message me on facebook the other day asking how DD was, and if she's hitting all of her milestones, etc. She said "We want her a part of our family if she is his child!"  But yet, he got a PFA out on me (which got dropped to a civil orded because the judge saw no reason for a PFA). He hasn't seen DD since X-mas Eve. And what do you mean IF she is his child? HE KNEW SHE WAS HIS CHILD.. now he's denying her! He was the one acting like he wasn't married, and claimed he wanted to "marry me."  He was sleeping around.. not me! I'm the single one!

I'm supposed to have a court date on March 16, for paternity/child support. I really think I'm going to cancel it. I know a lot of you have told me in the past to "get child support because your child is entitled to it." That makes sense, but I can't get passed the fact that he only wants her in his life if he has to pay for her. It sickens me. He takes care of his other two children. He's a great father, but not to DD. I just can't decide which is the right thing to do. I keep thinking, if he really wants to be a part of her life... he will persue it. I am so lost. I don't want to share her with someone who doesn't want her. I don't need or want his money.. and my daughter won't need it either. I already have started a savings account for her! :(

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