3rd Trimester

Baby name revealed by DS, no more surprise

MIL is staying with us to help our with our 3 year old DS when we go to the hospital.   DS has known our daughter's name for months.  Of course, he says it all day long.  I knew that MIL would find out (come on, he's 3!!) but explained that we weren't revealing the name until later.  She immediately told my SIL and FIL.  I explained to her AGAIN that we weren't originally planning on sharing the name until baby arrived--the same thing that we did with DS.  So, my family has no idea.  She agreed not to share/spread information yesterday.  Today, she asked me for the correct spelling of the middle name.  When I asked her why, she said that she was chatting on FB with her sister-in-law and had already promised to let HER mother know the name.

My new mantra is: "Sometimes there are things beyond your control, accept it."  I figure if I recite this long enough, I'll actually believe it.   I refuse to pull my hair out over this--maybe I should make THAT my new mantra too.  Smile

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