2nd Trimester

Should I be worried baby isn't moving much?

I'm 19 weeks 2 days pregnant with my first baby, and I'm worried that she's not moving much.

I first felt baby move (the kind of movement that I could say was definitely the baby, anyway) about two weeks ago. I'm a little overweight, which I know makes it harder to feel baby's movements, and I know it's made harder still because she's my first. I haven't felt any 'kicks' yet, and can still only feel her move when I'm quietly laying in bed.

The last time I felt her move was on Monday, during my a/s (which revealed that she's perfectly healthy). I always try to feel her movements before I go to sleep but lately I've been falling asleep before I can feel anything. When should I feel a real 'kick'? And when should I be worried if I go a while between feeling her movements?

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