2nd Trimester

Good but bad news

Hello ladies! 


Had my A/S scan on Friday and am so happy to share that my baby BOY is healthy as can be, .. except for the fact that I have Vasa Previa. :(  Basically, its one of his "blood cords" isnt growing inside the ambical cord as it should, its growing outside of it and attaching itself to my placenta and my cervix. This is extremely rare, happens to 1 in 3,000 woman. If I would to go into labor on my own and my water would break, the membrane of his would rupture and he'd bleed to death before they could get him out.

 I go back on March 30th for another ultrasound to see if it has moved up any along with my placenta. Doc says, most likely it wont-as this cond. never goes away. :(  Most likely I will have to be placed on hopstialized bed rest sometime between 28 and 30 weeks.. and they will deliver by C Section between 34 and 36 weeks. 


Anyone heard of this or know of something that has gone through this? We are so lucky that it was caught- normally it isnt and a lot of babies are stillborn :( 

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