3rd Trimester

Anyone else not started getting ready for baby yet?

I hit 31 weeks this past Wednesday, and it occurred to me today that DH and I haven't really done anything for this baby. I pulled out DD's gender neutral clothes from her first 6 months, but other than make a small registry, that's it.

Part of me is waiting for after my shower (this is our second, but the ladies at church really wanted to throw me one anyway), but at that point I'll be almost 34 weeks--and there's a chance he could come early.

So when does nesting start? I've got so much going on this month (ILs going to be visiting, my shower, I'm flying out for 3 3-day job interviews in as many weeks, and substitute teaching), I just don't want to have to worry about yet another thing.

I see all these posts about people having their nurseries ready (we don't have a nursery, DS will sleep in our room), is anyone else not really doing much yet? We didn't have this issue with DD because she was in the NICU for so long, I don't know what's typical. Am I just a huge slacker?

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