2nd Trimester

When did the first random person ask if you were pregnant?

I have been waiting for the first random person to ask me...i had a somewhat random person ask me at 18 weeks and i couldn't believe how excited i was over it.  It was a girl who works at a restaurant that i frequently eat at and as i was paying, she asked me if i knew what i was having?  I was like, you can actually tell i'm pregnant?  I was so excited because i went through that awkward phase where it's like, is she gaining weight or is she pregnant and i guess i officiallly look pregnant now!  Most of the people at work had been giving me a hard time about not putting on enough weight yet but i felt better after knowing that someone i really didn't know that well could tell.  I still haven't had a totally random stranger ask me, but i am thinking that will be happening soon and i can't wait. 

However, i do wonder how brave someone has to be to ask that question because i know i would be terrified i would mistakenly ask someone who wasn't.  There is no way i would want to risk that. 

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