3rd Trimester

I don't think I am a super woman!

I have chosen to have my children naturally. I set my mind to it and did it. END OF STORY! I don't judge the mothers who choose to have an epidural or a c-section at all. Never have. Never will. We are all giving birth to a wonderful amazing thing. But I have however helped 5 women give birth, 3 chose to stick with med free and 2 chose the epi but every time it comes up in conversation there is always a woman or mom who doesn't know what the heck she is talking about. She thinks if you do it natural you'r a NUT and she just has to tell the first time pregnant mom that she is an idiot for even thinking she can do it and that I am just a hippie freak of nature that can have large babies with no pain meds. HELLO ITS CALLED DETERMINATION. I wasn't blessed with short easy labors or small babies but I hate how some women who don't understand med free judge the women who want it. And then act like we are judging them for there opinion. I don't care what a women chooses to do but before you go into that hospital I sure hope you do your research and know what all is available to you. 

BTW- This vent came on by a women who has been pregnant and just gave birth 6 days ago. Whenever she over heard me talking to one of the pregnant moms who wanted to give birth naturally her response was almost always "I am getting an epidural and I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't want to feel an ounce of pain. And your not going to want to either." We have had a few debates (brought on by her comments to scare these first time moms) about how intervention can effect your labor and stuff and she pretty much hadn't done any research then after she had her baby (she got an epidural as soon as she got there) she ended up not progressing and had a c-section. Her first statement to the first time pregnant mom when she went to the hospital to see her and the baby was "And you can tell Lauren (thats me) that my epidural in NO WAY caused me to not progress and wasn't the cause of my c-section." I was just shocked! I DON"T CARE WHAT THE HECK YOU DO! Just don't shove your uneducated opinion down first time moms throats. I know women have the power to do whatever they put there mind to and as long as you put your child health and happiness first  your going to be an amazing mother. But I don't understand why just cause we chose one way of child laboring we are judged and criticized because some moms feel guilty.

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