3rd Trimester

So annoyed at my mother (vent..kinda long)

Every time I try to talk to my mother about anything pregnancy related I end up feeling attacked by her. Its really annoying because we're usually pretty close, and see each other quite often. But I end up having to hide things from her. Like I still havent told her about the GD diagnosis I got like 10 weeks ago.
     Earlier I told her I was a little worried because at my OB appointment on Wed. my B/P was elevated (130/72) and their was "a little protein" in my urine. The doctor gave me a creatinine PIH lab and it came back normal. And at the diabetes appointment I had immediatey after the OB they took my B/P again and it was 114/70 so I think I'm okay.
      Anyways I tried telling this to my mother, and she flipped out. Saying that I'm not drinking enough milk. She wants me drinking 4 glasses per day. She went on and on about how her dog had eclampsia after it gave birth and it was from low calcium levels in her blood. She kept talking about how I'm building a baby, and the baby will have rickets, and blah blah blah. Then she started talking about this teenage girl we know who starved herself & took diet pills all during her pregnancy in order to fool her parents, and how the baby has tremors now.
     It really offends me that she would compare my eating habits to this girl. I eat well. I'm not a big milk drinker but I do try to have at least one big glass a day. In addition I eat lots of string cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. And of course I take my prenatal vitamin. I'm just so annoyed! I guess I just have to learn not to talk to my mother about anything pregnancy related. I just feel like I'm being blamed for something I have very little control over. Hence the reason I haven't told her about the GD, and I certainly won't be telling her at all if I don't have to.
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