3rd Trimester

Repost, kind of: Low platelets and elevated LFTs

At my last doctor's appointment (Thursday), I mentioned to the doc that I've been feeling extremely run down. He seemed to brush it off, but then when he saw my urine specimen, which was the color of tea, he started to get concerned. He ordered some labs (CBC, Chem, UA/CS) and told me to get lots of rest and fluids.

Today I called to inquire about my results, hoping that I just having been drinking enough. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. My LFTs are elevated and my platelets are decreased. He didn't give me the exact numbers for things, but he did say that he wants to see me on Monday and do some follow up tests. One thing he said it could be is mono. Now, I've already had mono, when I was in H.S., but the teacher in the room next to me had mono a few months ago. 

Other than that, the only thing I can find that has those two types of lab results is HELLP which scares the hell out of me. Has anyone else had a similar experience? What did it turn out to be? Any docs/nurses on the board who have suggestions? 

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