3rd Trimester

3 hr glucose test tomorrow...can I drive myself?

My plan was to have my husband drop me off and pick me up.  But since I have to fast for 12 hours, I want to go as early as possible in the morning.  The place where I get my lab work done opens at 6 am and it's just "walk in" for any testing you have done so I plan on heading over there early.  I feel bad making my husband and our 5 year old get up so early on a Saturday morning.  (I'm a morning person and I get up early during the week anyway, so it doesn't matter to me.)  If I bring a snack to eat after the test, will I be okay to drive myself?  I felt fine after the 1 hour. 
Addison Lily--Sept. 14, 2006 Evelynn Rose-- May 18, 2012
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