3rd Trimester

Birth Plans...who is "going with the flow"?

I just had my first appointment with my delivering Dr. this week and we discussed my birth plan...in so far as one exists.

The hospital where we are deliving doesn't offer epidurals. They do have other pain relief options available.

I told my Dr. I was totally okay with that as an epidural "isn't my cup of tea" (I explained that the less needles I had to think about the better) and he was super excited that I was with them there because it meant no nurses would try to talk me into one and their nurses are trained to offer coaching through the birth without drugs as much as possible.

Basically he told me their usual plan is "go with the flow" meaning that if it seems like I need meds, they'll give me meds...if I need a C-section, they do a C-section, if I am in a bad way and the only way I'm going to manage a baby is to get an epidural they will put me in an ambulance and send me to the nearest hospital that offers them.

This is pretty much what my plan has been aside from the last option. Is anyone else going into it this way? I feel like I haven't done enough research on options or something because so many people seem set on what they want to have happen...

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