2nd Trimester

Does forgiveness need to be expressed to be true?

When I was 18 I was in a really bad relationship - physically, mentally sexually abusive. Y I let it happen - one will never really know. I have a few theories but neither here nor there. I am not and was not the type to end in in something like this. Nevertheless - 10 months I spent with this crazy @ss

Now almost 8 years later I know I have finally fully 100% forgiven him. Before I would randomly have dreams about him where I would see his face- I haven't in person since I was 19 at a friends funeral-and the dream would be filled with turmoil and hostility. Now, this is the second time I have dreamt about him- and it has been pleasant, nice actually. All negative feelings are gone.

 This brings me to my dilemma. For months I have been going back and forth with emailing him and expression my "forgiveness". Some opinions on this subjec is until u tell the person u forgave - u can't actually be in a forgiving place- others song quite agree. 

What is your opinion?  

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