Single Parents

WWYD re: visitation

Long story short I took xh to court to ask for supervised visitation for various reasons.  The judge ordered him to have visitation with a specific counselor present to reintegrate him back into LO life and teach him how to parent.  Judge also ordered for him to contact me via email only.

So he's emailed me several times a day since asking "when do I get to see LO"

My thoughts are that he needs to do the legwork to set up this counseling, he was also ordered to pay for it etc. on his own.  I am not paying my lawyer to do it, nor am I going to do the work to set it up.  I think if he wants to see LO, that he should call this counselor and figure it out.  Am I being petty?  Is this something that I should be working on setting up?  FWIW, the reason we are in this place is that he was absent for 18 months, came back and refused to transition in any way, and, LO reacted negatively and is having a hard time.  He came back in Aug., used his visitation for Aug-Nov, then was gone, and tried to come back again in Jan. and I refused.

I haven't responded to that part of his emails, only about how LO is doing but in the latest e-mail he called me on it and specifically only asked "when do I get to see LO, you have not responded to my question"

Do you think I should say something along the lines of "talk to your lawyer" or, "that's not up to me" or even just a simple "I don't know" in response, or just let it be.  I am thinking that it's not my job to figure that part out and if I respond in ANY way, that he will just get angry (he does a lot) and it will open a can of worms.

Single parents - what say you?

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