2nd Trimester

**Piper*** anyone else that got questionable news at A/S

The A/S for my daughter was done when I was 20 weeks pregnant. After an uneventful 20 weeks (we did not do the N/T scan or the Quad screening), we expected an uneventful A/S.

We were wrong.

My regular ob gave little info, he just said we needed to see high-risk doctor. The high-risk doc laid it out for us. My baby (we opted to not find out the baby's gender) had 5 soft markers for genetic disorders:

1) nuchal fold, 2) eyes too wide, 3) 3 heart chambers instead of 4, 4) shriveled kidneys, 5) short long bones

We asked if the high risk doc had evern seen 5 soft markers turn out okay. his response was that he was sure that it had happened, but not on his watch. He informed us that it was extremely probably that the baby had trisomy 13, 18, or 21.

We got the amnio. 10 days later, the results came back normal. We did not get the micro-array. We decided that if the baby had something that was not in the 98% of genetic issues that the amnio tests for, we would deal with it when the baby was born.

My daughter, Evangeline, was born on August 30, 10lbs 9 ozs, yelling her little head off. She was perfect. She is average height, her heart has 4 chambers, her eyes are wide-set and gorgeous, her neck is fat, and her kidneys work beautifully.

Hang in there. Even with not-so-good A/S results, the odds are still very much in favor of the baby having no issues. Google can be a scary place and I wish I had avoided it. Please pm me if you want to talk, that goes for everyone that had a questionable A/S.

Hugs to you all!!

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