2nd Trimester

It's Friday, let's swap funny stories

Because why not?

- When my aunt was pregnant with all three of her children, she suffered from a chronic case of the pregnancy giggles. When she was pregnant with her first, the father took her on a nice weekend getaway to a fancy hotel. They were sitting in the restaurant the first night and he needed to go to the bathroom before they had ordered, and said something really crude. She burst out laughing, and just after he left the table, this family walked by and stared at the crazy pregnant lady laughing to herself. When they checked out a few days later, she was sitting in the lobby while he paid at reception, remembered it, and burst out laughing again. Guess who walked by? Yep, same family. They actually stopped and asked if she was lost...

 - Same aunt, same baby. They induced her a week early because the baby hadn't been moving lately, and everyone was panicking. Well, baby was born perfectly fine, and my auntie looked at the doctors, and said: "you mean to tell me he's just LAZY?". 20 years later, it's safe to say the answer is yes!

- When my mum was pregnant with me, she frequently ate coal. But best of all is her description of my birth, and how I wound up being dropped on my head... "Well, you'd just been born, and they put you on my chest, and I thought my stomach had come out! So I just... Jerked, and you went flying." Charming! (Also... Surely if you think your stomach has come out, the LAST thing you want to do is jerk and send it flying across the room!)

- When my mum was pregnant with my brother, she was, I quote, "bored all the time". I'm not sure how, since she had a 3 year old and wasn't on bed rest or anything like that, but somehow, she was bored! She taught our cat how to fetch, shake, and even play dead.

- And finally, one of my own. Earlier this morning, the kitten was sleeping on her back on my lap, and squirmed around in her sleep so that her back was supported by my open hand. Very cute. But it looked like her head was just floating around, not supported, and it took me ages to realise that no, it wasn't that her head wasn't supported: my stomach is now big enough that her head could rest on it without her neck being titled, and my boobs are big enough that I couldn't tell. I guess the pregnancy giggles are genetic, because I couldn't stop laughing for a full 15 minutes...


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