3rd Trimester

Nightmares and fears about delivery/ after-birth?

I've heard delivery and after-birth dreams are common during pregnancy...and man, have I had some wild ones! For example, in one I dream I've just given birth to seven additional children after DS and am extremely unprepared; in another my family members keep sitting in the bed I am supposed to deliver in, while a herd of pigs roams around the room and eat the lunch that the nurses brought in for me...what's even more wild is that when I confront my family in the dream-I do so in song?! I know they must somehow be related to my concerns about the birth and being overwhelmed after DS is born and that my family and DH won't support me. I know in my heart, this isn't true and that they love and will support me when they're able. Still, I just can't shake this feeling that I may be the one left holding the figurative diaper-bag. lol Anyone else have crazy dreams or fears like this?
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