3rd Trimester

maternity leave issues

my husband and i are fighting really hard with each other about how long i should take maternity. my leave will be completely without pay, no matter how long i take. he told me tonight that 4 weeks should be the maximum that i take off, barring any illness on my part that we aren't prepared for. as far as the baby goes, he thinks that if something is wrong with it, he will stay home after the 4 weeks to take care, since he gets as much paid leave as he wants.

i think this is totally insensitive and unfair, considering what i've been going through for the past 7 months, not to mention we plan on breastfeeding. i don't know how i'll be doing that while i'm working 42 hours a week (no, i do not get an hour lunch break). i'm so furious right now, i think it is the most unreasonable thing a husband could expect of his wife.

i need an opinion. hopefully a few opinions on both sides of the spectrum, because i can't see his side of it one bit, and have locked myself in the bedroom with this laptop so i can fume.

someone save me from my own anger!

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