Austin Babies

No more working out :-(

My BP went up again. Yay. So back to the doctor I went. I have trace protein in my urine and no was 142/93. Not good. After lying on my side it went to 130/78 but my doc doesn't really like BP to be taken while lying down. So blood work was ordered and he went ahead and checked me and did the GBS test. I'm 90% effaced and 1.5 cm which to mean means nothing but he said that's progress which makes him more willing to try induction if needed instead of straight to c-section. 

I've been working out 3-5 days a week religiously. He said no more except 15-30 minute walks 2-3 times a week.

Anyone have good recs for prenatal yoga? On Netflix or Hulu? If I just lay around all day I'll go nuts, plus my back will start killing me.


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