2nd Trimester

Cervix length

Doc called me today-long story short, should be 3.5cm or more, mine is 2.9cm. At 2.5 research gave an 18% chance of preterm labor (and he said 35 weeks so not sure if after 35 weeks it could start?). So I have a less than 18% chance. I go back in 3 weeks for another check. If it's the same, I will get monitered again in (guessing) a month. If it's less than 2, that it had shortened to...I'd be referred to a high risk specialist. I don't think that will happen, but just praying it does not. I will be monitered until 28 weeks, and if things check out ok at that time, then they won't moniter me any longer. So the good news, I get more ultrasounds to see baby - and I guess I am not at the worst case right now...and no funnelling, whatever that means. Anyone have a similar experience in the past? Oh, and I had a LEEP procedure a few years ago - but he said they took so little that he didn't think that would impact this pregnancy, but praying it doesnt!
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