2nd Trimester

Stressing out! (vent)

This past while has been pretty rough. My husband lost his job and we had to move home because we couldn't afford where we were (which was renting of my cousin). We obviously told her the truth right away and decided that moving home would be the best option. Since then she has been writing me all these nasty facebook messages about how much money we cost them after all they had done for us. Keep in mind that we were paying 900.00 a month for a very cramped 1 bredroom basement suite that had the main entrance in our bedroom. She flipped out when we told her that we would sooner move home because we were already behind on 1 months rent and we didn't want to cost them more money. She went off about how my husband will never support us and it's all his fault. He got laid off and couldn't find something right away so he had a job offer back home and took it.

So this last weekend we went to go pick up our stuff and she was so rude to me and the people helping us. She was slamming doors, swearing at me, wouldn't even come say good-bye. I tried talking to her but she kept cutting me off. I've been an emotional wreck over this for the past month. I feel like such trash. This morning I woke up to find a wonderful facebook message that she sent me. She kept saying about how I'm too jeleous of her and that we took them for granted because they made so much money. I didn't realize that we left a broken garden chair behind so she said we left our trash and garabe at their beauitful home even though I worked my butt off to make sure that place was spotless when we left. I told her when we left that I had a family to think about it and I didn't want it to become a fight so we made the decision to move. She called us redneck hicks for moving back to our small home town. I also based our decision to move on the fact that if she got upset with something she would stomp around upstairs, scream names at me through the floor at three in the morning. I couldn't handle it anymore. It was always this roller coaster with her.

I just wanted this to go smoothly, and I was always honest with her from the start but she has me so stressed out thinking that I did something horribly wrong and other people in the family aren't really talking to us. I replied nicely to her message this morning saying how I felt, that she didn't really give me the chance to say what I needed to and that I wanted to talk about it like adults.This situation has blown way out of proportion and now I dunno what to do. I've been crying almost everyday and I'm afraid that I'm hurting my baby. I'm so stressed out, I dunno how to destress. I'm hormonal too which doesn't help with the crying. She keeps contacting me, I've thought about blocking her but I don't want other people to get involved which I know it will if I go that route. Any suggestions??

Thanks for listening!

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