2nd Trimester

Short Femur Bones?

We had our a/s today (boy, yay!!!) and everything looked great except for his femur bones were measuring short in comparison to his head and abdomen.  My doc did not seemed concerned, although she will do an extra u/s at 28 weeks to check the growth.  He is measuring right on track (a few days ahead) otherwise.

I know that short femurs can be a marker for Downs.  I did have an NT scan and my results came back low risk.  There were no other soft markers for Downs.  I got the bloodwork done for my Quad screen today and should hear back early next week.

My doctor thinks that measurement could be inaccurate (she said 18-19 weeks can be hard to get good measurements) or that he just needs to hit a growth spurt.

Has anyone else experienced this?  It's going to be a long 10 weeks until the next u/s...  I know I should not be worried if my doc isn't worried, but easier said than done!


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