South Florida Babies

Moms of thumbsuckers...

Looking for tips! I did not care that Isabelle was a thumb sucker. I loved that she could and still can self sooth.

But now she is 18 months old and hardly speaking (at least in relation to her sister at the same age) and while I know age 2 is the age they really start working on speech, I want to try to get Izzy to consciencely not suck her thumb during the day. Kind of like a pacifier. She can have it in the car, in bed, at naptime. Weaning her off her thumb where most of the day is concerned is going to be interesting - since I cannot take it away.

Any ideas? Tips?

<No offense, but I do not care to here any criticism on why I should leave it alone, let her wean herself. Not an option for me. I want to help it along. What I am looking for is tips and advice and experience.>




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