2nd Trimester

2 rants in one- NPR (and loooong)

Let me first say I LOVE my family with all my heart and would not trade them for the world. 

Begin rant.

My father about 10 years ago had a very successful home inspection and appraisal company. Between his partner stealing millions of dollars (he unfortunately isn't 'smart enough' to read financial statements) and then the housing market crashing his company went out of business. So for the last 10 years he has been relying on his carpentry skills. The man can do Anything when it comes to building, finishing, wood..  You name it. 10 years of this- and he's 52 - it's beginning to take a toll on him. Here's where the rant comes into play. He doesn't have a retirement plan, or literally enough money to get by and pay his bills. He applies for jobs- gets them only to quit a few weeks later bcz he can't stand working for anyone. He doesnt have a car reliable enough to make  it the 6 hour drive to see me and is constantly saying stuff like "oh does the dealership (my fil owns one) need a car transferred out and then driven back here" or "you should open your next yoga studio (I own one) out here so I can manage it". In addition to there is a great job he is more than qualified for but "do u know how long it takes to revamp my resume? I don't know if it's worth it?" OMG! Yes I sure as u know what know how long it takes- how many jobs have I applied to? He always has these "great business ideas" that I should "market" for him. I say- write me a business plan and let's talk. His response "I don't need a business plan!!! Blah blah blah" really dad? Is that y u are so successful now? Bcz of ur lack of a Plan? Oui. I feel like he is expecting me to prepare for his future and I should just expect to pay his nursing home bills now- or plan for him to move in. So annoying. 

Like I said I love him to death but it drives me UP the freakin wall. If ur so hard up do something about it!


Next rant- my BIl 's wife is a controlling b!tch. And her husband allows it. He is never allowed to do anything- for example come to his parents house for a family breakfast and if he is he can't "stay" long. She is a stay at home mom who doesn't clean, doesnt cook and makes him do the grocery shopping, get the kids ready every morning before he goes to work- then when he gets home from work he makes dinner and bathes and dresses the kids. It makes me sick how he allows this to happen. How does this effect me u wonder? A) my husband is his younger brother and they.share an office- it kills DH to see his brother always so sad and depressed. And second my DH ends up doing all the favors the family needs. Our grandmother just passed- Thursday is my only night I am home before 9pm- and of.course fil needs help and DH is the ONLY one who can help BIL isn't "allowed to do anything after work" I would help but it's heavy lifting..


So there goes our "date night" which really means our "sex night" lol. 

I don't hold this against FIL at all. He needs the help and he would d anything in the world for us- and has..  I sometimes wish we lived in colorado again where it was just him and I....

Thanks for listening. These aren't things I can rant about with friends or family so it's nice to have u all here!! 

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