Single Parents


After wasting yesterday from being so upset Im better today.. me and STBXH havent even filed for actual divorce and hes already in a relationship on fb with the new girlfriend/mistress wh*re. He has the nerve to yell at me for a long time and I just want to scream

Hes been nothing but nasty and has made it clear he just want to be a dad... I cant seem to just walk away and i know I need to. any uplifting thoughts on life would be amazing from people who have done it. I know im better off and most days im happier on the other side of the country but how does someone just walk away from their child and be ok with themselves!? 

edit, i was angry typing... he doesnt want to be a dad, he thinks sending a check is enough. the break up mixed with a baby makes this seem impossible some days 

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