2nd Trimester

Did anybody feel scared or nervous for a/s?

Please don't get me wrong, DH and I will be elated to have either gender but we just feel like a girl will complete our family. DH and I never agreed on how many children to have when we got married so we compromised on 2. Well, when we found out we were having twin boys, that changed because DH has 2 nieces and sees his brother with 'daddy's little girls' and he wants to experience that along with the boys little league, etc.

I was the one who always wanted more than 2 children so I was happy that he agreed and brought it up to try again. Now that the time is almost here to find out, I'm just so scared and nervous that if it is a boy and if my husband is adament about being done having kids, will I live the rest of my life wondering 'what if' the next one would have been a girl?

I'm really sure the majority of this is pregnancy hormones talking but some of it is me as well. I just don't know how to feel at this point. With all the changes going on recently, a boy would be great because we have everything already but we both long for a girl.

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