Austin Babies

Afraid of the dark and monsters

My DS1 has not wanted to sleep in his room for quite a while. At first we were ok with it since we thought he was adjusting to DS2 and didn't want to deal with it. But, it's really becoming an issue. He says he doesn't want to be by himself and he has been talking about monsters and being afraid of the dark. I think this all stems from watching too much TV and learning about monsters and the dark from TV. But, with DS2 the TV has just had to be used a lot more than we would normally like and it seems like every kids show has an episode about the dark or monsters (except Curious George!)

Any advice on things we can do to get him comfortable going to sleep in his own bed again? Anyone have neat night lights or other things that light up that he might like to use at bed time?

Anyone else have this same issue? DS2 is sleeping in our room with us so I think maybe this might have something to do with it. He also keeps asking to drink from a bottle and asks for milk when DS2 gets milk, mimics DS2's crying, etc...

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