2nd Trimester

gender was accidentally revealed

So, I have not posted here before, but I just HAVE to tell someone about this!

My husband and I agreed not to find out the gender of our baby. We had the ultrasound yesterday and told her we did not want to know, so she did not tell us, and even told us when not to look. We were so excited to be surprised when the baby was born. Then today, when I went in for a prenatal appointment, as the nurse was taking my blood pressure she said "So, are you excited you're having a boy?" I was like,"um, well, actually I had no idea....we weren't going to find out" Awkward silence. Then she apologized and said that it shouldn't have been on the chart at all if we weren't finding out so she didn't know...I was just kind of stunned so I was like, um, okay...So NOW...I know. I am not too happy with this nurse, although I guess it's not entirely her fault. I feel like she ruined a moment for me. At least if I was going to find out, I would have wanted my husband to be there, and to find out on purpose. :( I am actually really upset that I found out this way. But now the question is, do I tell my husband? I know he still wants to be surprised, but I'm afraid I might accidentally let it slip. What would you do??

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