Single Parents

Default Divorce Hearing

I filed for divorce on December 12th and my ex never obtained a lawyer nor did he respond to or sign the papers.

Our default hearing has been set for March 29th. He may or may not be in jail at the time (depending on what they decide to do for his felony violation next week). I am also expecting he probably won't even show up and if he does I am almost positive he won't have a lawyer.

Is this typically something that is a one time thing or should I be expecting to return numerous times? I have that OFP against him that has a temporary custody agreement in it. My divorce papers are offering the same thing as the OFP in regards to visitation. Obviously there won't be any one-on-one mediation and with the proof of abuse I see no big problems with obtaining sole legal and physical custody as per the laws in my state.

Can anyone offer me any advice as to what I should expect going into court that day? My wishful thinking hopes for a granted divorce on my terms but I'm sure it won't be that easy. 


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