Single Parents

What would you do?

DH is a wonderful dad to our girls (with some gentle encouragement from me) and they think he walks on water.  The drawback is that he's a really bad husband to me, and has been for most of the last 3 years. 

He's not physically abusive, doesn't do any drugs, or any of the big no-brainer reasons to leave.  He is addicted to porn, and tries to manipulate me, but I'm learning to see through it.  There are also a lot of other 'little' things that are issues, but again no deal-breakers.

I left him at the end of January last year, and we were really close to being divorced (he signed...I didn't) when we decided to reconcile.  Of course things were as promised for a few weeks, but then went back to the way it was before.  I finally got him to go back on anti-depressants and that helped him want to be nice to me, and he does try most of the time, but I just have a feeling it may be too late.

I really don't want to be married to him anymore but not sure how I can do that to the girls and take away some of the time they have with him now.  Each time I'm ready to leave, I will see one of the girls sleeping or they will ask about him when he's at work etc. and I tell myself to stay so they can keep having that relationship with him.

Anyway, I know I'm asking a bunch of internet 'strangers' for advice, but you can be more objective than my family and friends.  If it was you, what would you do? If you've been in a similar situation where there weren't any big issues, what made you finally leave for good?

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