2nd Trimester

Anyone ever been told the incorrect sex of their baby?

First of all... We're having a boy!! It is the first boy on my side of the family seeing as I come from a family with 3 sisters and no grandkids yet, so that is VERY exciting!

Anywho, we found out at 19 weeks 2 days that we are having a boy. We had the u/s tech print a pic of the genitals with a note saying boy or girl and opened it with family later that night. The tech says she is 100% sure of what she saw, but I don't even know what I'm looking at when I see the pic!

So my question is, has anyone ever been told one sex, planned for it and everything, only to give birth to the opposite sex? When did you go for your anatomy scan and did the tech say he/she was positive? Thanks!!

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