Austin Babies

WDYT re: "poo-poo" (the word, not the action)

So, the boys have decided that "poo-poo" is their most favorite word ever!  Conversations with them will go like this:

Me:  What do you guys want for lunch?

Coop:  I want peanut butter and ::looks at Spencer, dissolves into giggles:: POO-POO!!

Me:  That's gross.  


Me:  Hey Spence, who is that? ::pointing to a cat::

Spence:  That's my Brainy...POO-POO!!!  ::both boys break down in hysterical laughter::


Thus far we've been doing the 1, 2, 3 and then time-out for every time they do it, but dude, I lose count b/c they say it over and over and over and over.  Plus, is it really all that bad?  Jay flips his lid over it, but I'm wondering if it's just a stupid 2- to 3-year-old thing and I should just let it slide?


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