Austin Babies

possible dumb question - pre-K vs regular preschool?

I just assumed that if you had a 4/5 yr old in preschool, they were going to prepare them for kindergarten, but I am starting to think that's not the case?

I hear everyone talking about pre-K though like it's different.  Is it like a special state curriculum that is separate (and possibly more expensive) from preschool?  

And I think pre-K is different from Head Start, or am I wrong on that too? B/c Head Start prepares kids for kindergarten too...

DD is an October baby and will be 4 this year, so we still have time, but I am curious as to whether or not I need to start researching pre-K programs that are different or something.I don't want to find out too late that I should have been on some waiting list.



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