2nd Trimester

Rant... Anyone else feel the same??

Okay, so this is my first pregnancy and I am totally excited and loving pretty much every minute of it (I haven't been sick at all...knock on wood) but there is one thing that is really irking me... I work for a small business with about 7 people in the office. There are 2 other women there and I literally see them everyday and EVERY SINGLE DAY they ask to see my belly and want to chit chat about how I'm "starting to pop" or tell me its cute or whatever. The worst part is they always ask me to show them my belly. If I am wearing a dress, they want me to smooth it down so they can see and then I have to turn all different angles. If I have a sweater on, they want me to lift it to my tanktop underneath. Its just this annoying ritual of "showing" people my body and it just seems weird. I'm not an object for your viewing pleasure! Haha.And yeah, their comments are always nice and all, but seriously... EVERY DAY??? It's to the point where I find myself avoiding their offices because I'm sick of having the EXACT same conversation EVERY DAY and having to smooth my dress down or lift up my sweater to show them my belly. Its getting really annoying.

 Anyone else experiencing anything like this who is getting as irritated as I am?

Note- I know they are just being nice, but don't they realize its too much??

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