2nd Trimester

Surprise U/S :) and measuring question

I went in for a my normal monthly check up. My doctor went over my a/s results from last month and said everything was perfect and that I wouldn't need another u/s unless I was measuring off. So, she went to listen to the heartbeat and couldn't find it! But LO was kicking away so my doctor assured me everything was okay. After trying for almost 5 minutes she said that I needed to get an u/s so they could get a reading on the heartbeat! So thanks to my stubborn daughter, I got a little peak at her today :) Everything is perfectly fine.

But I do have a question on getting your belly measured. I was sure today it would happen! I'm not sure if it's because she rushed me out to get the u/s or what... But when did everyone else start getting their belly measured? I'm 23 weeks.

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