3rd Trimester

I Hate Stupid People!

Hello everyone,

I just thought i would share my experience today with you all.

I work in a home for the aged and there is an employee here who thinks he knows everything.

I was really craving mac and cheese today and i noticed the calories where kind of high but i really wanted a treat today.

The employee then took it upon himself to go through my lunch bag and ask what i was eating for lunch, when he saw the 400 calorie mac and cheese he immediately asked me why i would be eating this kind of stuff while pregnant, and he also looked at me and tried to be serious and said, "we do have a salad bar" if i was not in a management position i think i would have taken him out! LOL

I went on to tell him i felt like mac and cheese b/c i have salty cravings, and he then went on to say, "Oh okay, i have never had a baby so i wouldnt understand"

GRRRRRR of course you have not had a baby genious!!!

I feel better now...sorry for the rant!

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