2nd Trimester


So... this morning... my dog decided to play with a kitty cat. Except, that kitty cat was not a kitty cat... It was a SKUNK. My guess? Direct face shot.

We honestly thought he was dying at first because he was gagging so harshly and coughing up foam. I poured water down his throat and all over his face & it seemed to help a bit.

The smell is indescribable. We didn't even know it was a skunk at first b/c it does not smell like roadkill skunk. It smells like putrid, rancid, death. After the bouts of dry heaving, watering eyes and stinging nostrils (btw-- ear plugs work GREAT in nostrils!) settled we began to bathe him.

We bathed him about 5 times in tomato juice (outside, with a hose...keep in mind we are in Wisconsin & it's still winter...brrr), then realized it did very little to neutralize the odor. Since it's so cold, we had to move indoors to bathe him in our shower (which has no flexible head, so I had to disrobe and join skunk-dog in the shower myself) Hubby had to leave for work, so he helped carry him into the tub and left me with the daunting task... THANK GOD for moms, because my mom came over with the ingredients for the next array of baths....

Next we bathed him in a solution of vinegar, baking soda and Dawn dish soap... this only helped a little.

Then we bathed him in hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and Dawn. Bingo. It did the trick to get most of the scent out, but now my whole house smells like a skunk-bomb went off and I even smell a bit skunky...

I guess my question is, this won't affect the baby will it? I'm not sure what kind of "natural chemicals" are in skunk oils. I'm certain they sunk into my flesh as I can't get the smell out from my hands and under my fingernails... The worse part was basically dry heaving and coughing/gagging from the smell... but it's not like I ingested the skunk oils (to my knowledge...lol).

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