3rd Trimester

39 weeks....update

SO..... went to my weekly appt yesterday (39 weeks + 2 days) and still no progress.... sigh

still 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, -2 station (all for the past 4 weeks)

no braxton hicks at all the entire pregnancy.....I just have a feeling this kid is going to need to be induced in order to come out and that plain sucks! It makes me nervous that there has been no progress, and what if they induce me, but I still havent dilated....that increases the risk of C-section.

 Everyone in my family has been talking to my belly, trying to coax him to get ready to come out on his own....lol

I am starting my maternity leave on Monday, and I only get 6 weeks... I just hope sometime next week this little guy decides to come out on his own Sad

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