3rd Trimester



I am carrying all out front. Yes my stomach is large, but there is a human being in there.

You may be surprised to know that my bump only measures one week ahead (READ: ONE FREAKING CENTIMETRE) of what it should.

Please don't act like you can see that one cm. I know I certainly can't. 

Please don't act like you are worried I am going to go into labor right now in front of you. Please don't act like you are very sorry to see me dying a slow painful giant belly death. Please don't tell me that I am going to deliver early. I am pretty sure you aren't a professional and my response is going to be "well my Dr says everything is right on schedule" with an underlying tone of "so shut your mouth".

Honestly. I am SO HAPPY that I am carrying all out front. To me that says that the weight I am putting on is baby weight not just too many sandwiches weight. I had thought that everyone wanted to carry all out front but apparently 90% of the people that I have to deal with on a day to day basis are of the opinion that it would be better to just get ginormiously fat so that the belly isn't so obvious.

ANYWAY, vent over. Hopefully now that I have gotten that out I can move on with the next two months of "When are you due?" "May 3" "OH MY GOODNESS BIG BABY" *fake  smile* "Actually everything seems to be right on point so...." *bigger fake smile*

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