2nd Trimester

Today, a short story by Nerdbaby

Woke up with a fever, chills, and the overall feeling of having been hit by a truck, so I called out of work.

Went back to sleep, felt a little bit better when I woke up, so I decided to get dressed and keep an appointment to see a potential new house across town. We also need dog food and paper towels, so I make a list, and head out the door.

Stopped to get gas and there was some crazy radio promotion going on for a free car wash with fill up. Topped off the tank and pulled around for my wash & rinse. While going through the automated, sensor-equipped car wash, the rear windshield wiper on my brand new mom-style crossover was ripped off by the rolling waxer brush thing.  Stupendous.

With my torn-off wiper in hand, I marched in to the gas station and asked to speak to the manager. The girl behind the counter told me he was out getting buns.  Buns for the hot dogs they were giving away as part of the radio station promo.

I waited, he returned (with buns) and said if I could bring my car to his service station tomorrow morning he would have one of his mechanics fix my wiper for free.  Thank you kind sir, I would be happy to do so.

I drive off towards my next destination.  Traffic is at a dead stop on the beltway so I come to a stop with the rest of traffic still in the merge lane.  As is habit, I look in my rear view mirror to make sure I'm not about to be rear-ended.  The woman behind me is stopping a little too close for my comfort but she is stopping.

I look to see if traffic is moving and glance back at my rear view just in time to see the same woman mouthing, "OH F**CK!!" as she gets rear-ended and then plows right into me.

I had my seatbelt on but it was still enough of an impact that my head hit the top of the car and my belly slammed into the steering wheel. 

A second or so later I realize I haven't died, turn on my hazards, and start to carefully pull over to the shoulder of the beltway.  I've been off the beltway for all of 10 seconds when the driver of the car who was pushed into me comes pounding on my window rolling her eyes and asking if I'm going to get out my car anytime soon to exchange information.  I locked my door, gave her the "wait" finger, and called 911.  Once the police were on the way, I got out of my car and when the lady behind me saw that I was pregnant, her first words were, "Oh lord, so this is going complicate everything..."

Uh huh.

Typical post-accident type behavior ensues.  The young man who actually caused the accident was very nice and concerned, the other lady continued getting in everyone's face until the police showed up. Registrations, licenses, insurance were exchanged.  Accident report filed.  And I was on my way.  

I pulled off the exit to call hubs who is out of town on business.  He was calm but very concerned, took a lot of convincing that the car was safe to drive until it can be repaired, and of course he wanted me to head straight for the hospital. I waited for my mom at a coffee shop, and she drove me to the hospital since I was still a shaky, anxious mess.

Oh yeah, I also called to cancel my house appointment.

So we drove together to the hospital, went straight to L&D where I was hooked to a monitor, listened to nuggets heart beat, and had a quick bedside ultrasound.  All is well, cervix is closed, baby is fine - as I knew she would be, but you have to be sure.

Mom drove me back to my car and we parted ways. Heading home I decided to treat myself to a cobb salad from my favorite restaurant down the street. Called ahead to place the order for pick up, no olives, house dressing on the side.

Pick up my salad, drive home, walk the dogs, wash my face, change into pj's, call hubs again to say goodnight, grab my salad and head for the sofa.

The damn thing is covered in olives and drowning in a pool of blue cheese dressing.

Everyone, dogs included, had Cheerios for dinner. 

BabyFetus Ticker
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